The control room at most modern process plants is one of the most critical places. The physical ergonomics (desk height, sceen angle, lighting etc.) can be important, but it is the Human Machine Interface (HMI) that requires most attention.
2023 Hazards 33 – Jump to it – Alarm response times
2020 LinkedIn article – go and tidy your (control) room
2019 Hazards 29 Control rooms (update to EEMUA 201 guidance)
2010 Operations – control rooms only part of the picture
Below are the slides I have used in some recent presentations. The first (also includes the rough script I used) was a reflection on learnings I gained when actiing as lead author for the update EEMUA 201 on control room design (published 2019). The second was a quite wide ranging set of slides I prepared for a seminar with a group of PhD students at a recent summer school.
2023 Conference presentation + notes – human factors in control room design