SCTA Procedure

Safety Critical Task Analysis (SCTA) is a process involving a number of key stages. When planning implementation it is a very good idea to have a procedure setting out the method to be followed.

To help you get started I am sharing a generic SCTA procedure that you can copy and amend to suit your requirements, resources etc. It covers 7 main components of the process:

  • Develop a task inventory
  • Prioritise tasks for analysis
  • Analyse the task – Hierarchichal Task ANalysis (HTA) is recommended
  • Perform a Human Error Analysis (HEA)
  • Evaluate Performance Influencing Factors (PIF)
  • Evaluate task risks (are they ALARP?
  • Validate the analysis with a walk through and/or talk through

The procedure gives some high level guidance on implementation, planning, key roles and managing actions. Also, sign posting for human factors topics that are not suited to SCTA.

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